
Fortune favours the brave

Always luck goes hand in hand with people who dare to work out for enforcing something new to traditional system. Only those people get positions in history who show bravery and fought against the prejudiced customs and rituals. In other words, who move against the flow of a stream is hero, not the person who swims with the flow of the steam. Fear is a state of mind and unless and until one thinks more and more positive, bravery would not come, To progress and prosper, one has to be bold enough to cross the hurdles in the path of destination. Challenges and obstacles are ever present in the way of life and if it is decided strongly to achieve the goal nobody can stop the person. Gandhiji and Abraham Lincoln are the best example of it and the popular saying “fortune favors the brave” fits for them perfectly.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Photography may be a more effective and reasonably inexpensive alternative to drawing or painting, but more thought and feeling goes into a painting than a photograph.  Photography is relatively simple in comparison to painting, which is a much more complex task. With photography, the composition is already completely arranged, but with a painting the objective is much more open to interpretation by the artist. The artist has the ability to capture much more emotion, understanding, and significance in an event and apply this fiery drive to his paintbrush when creating his own masterpiece.  When dealing with reality, I think a photograph may represent an actual physical recollection of a person or object, but a painting created from scratch adds the reality of perception to the equation. Reality is always open to a different observation and interpretation.